

Page history last edited by danieljohnbackman@... 12 years, 4 months ago

Welcome to IPID's internal work site



Use of this page:


 Navigation section accesses all folders and documents housed on this site. 


 SideBar has some quick links to current discussions and sites frequented by IPID members.



Group charter and purpose

IPID is a non-profit University club for graduate students.  IPID is classified as a Campus Life Program affiliated with the department of Organizational Leadership, Policy, and Development (OLDP).


This organization shall exist for the following purposes:

a.     link graduate students, scholars, and practitioners with interests in development;

b.     offer a forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sector exploration, networking, and scholarship inside and outside the University;

  c.      coordinate with and sustain an online student-edited journal to be managed by a separate, standing, and self-selected editorial  board.  The journal will collect and generate publishable scholarly work around interdisciplinary perspective on international development.


Group background and founding

The Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Development (IPID) Project is a newly formed student initiative linking graduate students, scholars, and practitioners with interests in development. The student group originated in 2008 around the writing and execution of a University grant proposal for the Office of Interdisciplinary Initiatives (OII). The IPID student group will initiate and sustain an online student-edited journal and speaker series. These activities constitute an ongoing cross-department and cross-sector endeavor meant to grow and evolve. The OII grant, however, constitutes much of the seed funding necessary for the 2009-2010 inaugural year. The working theme for this first year is “Development Reconsidered,” and it will examine the field of international development, explore cutting-edge issues from an interdisciplinary perspective, and consider the future of development projects in the global South. Three faculty members have been secured as project advisors to the twelve founding members of the group.



International development is inherently an interdisciplinary and cross-sector endeavor explored by many institutes, departments, and initiatives across the University of Minnesota. Nevertheless, much of the scholarship and discourse remains siloed for lack of a common venue and common purpose. IPID will offer such a forum and focus for student exploration, networking, and scholarship.  It is fitting that the founding charter IPID members and advisors come from departments with a tradition of cross-disciplinary and cross-sector scholarship and practice. Beyond the University, there is a niche for a student-edited journal concentrating in international development and an online scholarly dialog between students and faculty around the aforementioned research questions.



Spring and Summer 2010 - past grant

During the 2009-2010 academic year, the group formation and development, the associated speaker series, and online journal will provide graduate students with opportunities to develop skills in leadership and to promote their scholarship around the theme of “Development Reconsidered.”


The spring 2010 IPID speaker series and inaugural journal explore three initial research questions:

1) “How does an interdisciplinary perspective shift our conceptualization of international development?”

2) “What are the trends and issues affecting current approaches to international development?”

3) “What is the future of this interdisciplinary field (including the role of the international community)?”


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